For some reason the npc isnt attacking

I’m trying to make it so that my npc attacks you when you get too close, when i try to do this it doesn’t work
heres the code

if GameUtility.CheckPointOnCircle(Position, HumanoidRootPart.Position >= 100) then
					BossInformation["State"] = MobStates[4]
				if HumanoidRootPart.Position - HumanoidRootPart.Position <=10 and MobStates[4] then

You have to use magnitude:

if (HumanoidRootPart.Position - HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude <=10 and MobStates[4] then

Magnitude defines the length of a vector, therefore the length of a vector minus a vector would be the distance.

Edit: Also, you’re doing subtraction on the same vector, I’m confused on why you’re doing this?

Yeah that was an accident i just realized it

Position returns a vector3, so I’m confused on why you’re comparing it to a number.

if GameUtility.CheckPointOnCircle(Position, HumanoidRootPart.Position >= 100) then

Corrected everything, still nothing

			BossInformation["State"] = MobStates[4]
				if GameUtility.CheckPointOnCircle(Position, HumanoidRootPart.Position,100) then
					BossInformation["State"] = MobStates[4]
				if (HumanoidRootPart.Position - BossRootPart.Position).Magnitude  <=10 and MobStates[4] then

Try to print out “MobStates[4]” or really just add print statements around this part of the code, and if they don’t print something’s wrong.

I have, ill send you the full code

What did MobStates[4] print out?


Print BossInformation[“State”] lmk what it prints out. Put the print statement AFTER where you set the State to MobStates[4].

Doesn’t print

				if GameUtility.CheckPointOnCircle(Position, HumanoidRootPart.Position,100) then
					BossInformation["State"] = MobStates[4]
				if (HumanoidRootPart.Position - BossRootPart.Position).Magnitude  <=10 and MobStates[4] then

Try to put it after calling the CheckPointOnCircle function.

Still nothing, i think theres aproblem a few lines before so ill be using prints

There’s a problem with the State change, review your CheckPointOnCircle function. If you mind, could I look at the CheckPointOnCircle function?

function Module.CheckPointOnCircle(CenterPosition, CheckingPosition, Radius)
	local CheckPositionX = math.abs((CheckingPosition.X - CenterPosition.X))
	local CheckPositionZ = math.abs((CheckingPosition.Z - CenterPosition.Z))
	if (CheckPositionX + CheckPositionZ <= Radius) or (CheckPositionX^2) + (CheckPositionZ^2) <= (Radius^2)  then
		return true
		return false

Print the function, does it print “true”?

It doesn’t print anything ((((((((((((((((

Print the function itself, when the Checking Position has the conditions for it to be true. At the start of the code.