Force Change Mouse Icon?

Right now it seems that when I change the mouse icon the player has to move their mouse for it to update. Usually that wouldn’t bother me but it’s kind of frustrating because I’m trying to make a cutscene. I’m literally just doing this:

game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse().Icon = ""

It might be because you have your mouse over a button to start the cutscene (which changes the icon), but I tried adding a wait() above this and got the same result.

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Try this to make it invisible.

local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")

UserInputService.MouseIconEnabled = false

Still wish the UserInputService let you set the mouse icon (including for hover-over)

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It works! Thanks.

That would be nice, but then they’d need to port over all the other mouse stuff right? I guess it should be done eventually.