Force Field no longer placed around character on Spawn by default

Is this intentional?

I noticed it in Nuke the Whales yesterday when I couldn’t spawn because I kept getting blown up before I could move.

If it is intentional, we should remove the Force Field property from SpawnPoints.

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I want to keep FF on spawn, to avoid spawn kill.

Works for me?

Are you using filtering?

On Topic: I tested it in studio and it seems to work fine. The only time it breaks is if I’m using a custom character model. If its an actual problem for you, you can probably just use a script like this:

local debris = game:GetService("Debris")

function onPlayerEntered(player)
     player.CharacterAdded:connect(function (char)

onPlayerEntered(game.Players:WaitForChild("Player1")) -- Offline Testing.

Off Topic: I gave you a 100% chance of being the Murderer in my game like you asked awhile ago
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(Double post. Sorry :P)

I’m not gonna play murder with Shedletsky… Haha.

And my FF’s are working…