Force Recruitment Topics To Have Informative Tags

About This Suggestion:

Every recruitment topic, before being posted, is required to have at least one tag from a number of groups. Examples of these could include payment method, skill set, estimated time, payment range, age range, experience range, etc.

How This Would Benefit Forum Users:

First, searching through new posts would be easier. Possible applicants could skip over posts that don't apply to them, whether it's because of the low pay, high time consumption, or an undesired payment method.

In addition, it would reduce spam in #collaboration:recruitment by making it easier to search through older posts. Applicants could use the search feature to easily look for relevant posts that would otherwise be buried in #collaboration:recruitment.


# Position
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1 Don’t Support
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0 voters

Roblox is apparently working on a new recruitment webpage for the main website which from the screenshots I’ve seen seems to be a lot more functional for managing job offers then the forum can currently offer under discourse infrastructure.

Collaboration has been quite the plague to the forum for a while meaning because discourse is not designed for it, I feel all changes to the catagory should be postponed till roblox releases more news on the new system.