Forcing Camera to mimic exit position?

I’m trying to create a smooth-er teleport for my Model; as you can see - When leaving the model on an angle, due to the Camera being faced “Straight” on the inside compared to the outside, the Player walks in a different position as opposed to straight-forward of where they exited.

Using camera manipulation how can this be achieved?
Any ideas?

You could probably calculate an orientation difference by using CFrame:ToOrientation(), then multiply the camera’s CFrame by that difference to get an angle change result.
Here’s a rough example I quickly whipped up.

-- This is on teleport
local CurrentCamera = workspace.CurrentCamera

local CameraOrientation =
local NewOrientation = -- Orientation is assumptively a part

local Diff = (CameraOrientation - NewOrientation) * math.pi / 180 -- Convert back to radians (may have reversed the formula)
CurrentCamera.CFrame *= CFrame.Angles(Diff.X, Diff.Y, Diff.Z)
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Unfortunately this didn’t work :confused: I’m still at a loss.
Is there any way to recentre the camera?

I don’t really understand what do you want to achieve.

Sorry, I’ve done a washed-out explanation.

Basically - The exterior can move separately to the interior. Because of this, when teleporting between the two (as the Player’s HumanoidRootPart will mimic the CFrame of wherever it’s teleporting to) - It creates inaccurate transitions.

As shown, if the Exterior is a different Orientation to the Interior, upon exiting - The camera angles don’t match and in thus result in the Player walking in the wrong direction as opposed to forward.

I got it, but I can’t help right now, if you won’t find an answer I will help later.

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Are you able to show how you implemented my code into yours?