Forcing the character to look towards the camera?

So, what i’m trying to accomplish here is explained by the title. I found out a small property of the Humanoid I seriously never noticed: CameraOffset. I’d like to force the character to look towards the camera, and use CameraOffset to create a over-the-shoulder like camera.
I’ll use this for a small project i’m developing, and that I’m willing to expand.
One of my all-time questions from when I started scripting, is how to do a 3rd person camera. I’ve done some in the past, but they were all glitchy and would not work properly.
I’m not asking for a full script, but if you can tell me how would I go about this, that would help me out. I’m sure there are people out there x4 times better than me at scripting, so I’m sure someone knows how to do this.
Thanks already =)

Here’s a tutorial on how to do it.

Oh- Thanks mate, i’ll check it out rn. My bad I didn’t look up on the first thing I should’ve looked on.

I tried this out a little bit, and yeah while it creates an over-the-shoulder camera, it also removes the possibility to scroll farther or closer to the character.
Let me give an example of the first game that comes to my mind when thinking about this, that’s Dragon Ball Z Final Stand from @SnakeWorl. Along with that one, there are a LOT of games that use a 3rd person scrollable camera, and that is what I’m trying to accomplish. Thanks anyways for the post, that helped me understand something more about the camera! =)