Thought of making a simple forest, i think it turned out pretty good. I would love to see what others think.
Despite not a lot is going on in the image could you perhaps take screenshots of different angles of the forest or possibly the entire map size?
At the start it has that sort of forest theme but the repetitive trees look unappealing consider placing/adding variety of trees or variation into them create 3 - 4 trees to intense the feel of the area or even look at real life images to see what objects it features including plants, elevation and more.
The number of trees in the environment could be decreased in the real world their aren’t the same trees which ruin the forest feel to make it more forest-like. More variation in the trees can help too you could even place smaller things around the area rocks, plants, mushrooms, shrubs, etc.
Go above and beyond with it think of your own ideas and see what yo can do to make it stand out.
Looks great I also see what you were trying to go for with the screen shot with the well placed terrain. The only issue I see here is how odd the snow is placed in some areas and the repetition of the trees I would recommend making some different looking ones to give it a more variety feeling. Other than that keep up the great work maybe add some few flowers/bushes as well.
I will be sure to make more space for trees next time aswell as add more plants as those that you mentioned, thank you for your time noting these things i appreciate it.
I will be sure to add more variations of trees next time, thanks for the feedback and the suggestion.