Forever wait for server bug (Really bad)

When people try to connect to my game this happens:

This lobby place only redirects everyone who joins to a private server as soon as they join.
It does nothing else. No datastore loading, nothing. Just ship everyone who joins to their own private lobby.

Why is there 20 people in one server then?
Because roblox servers hogs up.
If you try to join by simply pressing the green Play button it will try to connect you to the only server which isnt working.

The game isn’t loading, you will only be staring at this:

for up to 10 minutes until it disconnects you.

This bug drains my playercount of atleast 500 people everytime it occure. And it occures daily.
PLEASE DO SOMETHING. It’s been like this for months!


This is what I daily wake up to last few days: 300players playing instead of 600-1k because these servers block the lobby.

Seriously, why am I not even getting a response?!
Is nobody on roblox responsible for the server system?


Hello, PlaceRebuilder. Sorry about the bug.
I would like to look into it.
Could you tell me

  1. What’s the placeId?
  2. when is the first time this bug happened?


Game id: Empty Baseplate - Roblox

It’s been quite a while, I redid lobby system in september 2017.
That’s when I went from 1 player lobby servers to 50p servers because this bug:

had not been fixed since may.

Before may, I had yet another lobby system with it’s own bugs. As I hope you can see, I’ve really done everything to creep around the server system bugs.

If 1 player server issue was fixed, I could just revert to 1p servers and avoid this bug all together.


Today some people have been getting a: “unauthorized to join this game” kick message.
Never heard that one before.

Just thought I’d let you know incase you’re working on that part :slight_smile:

That specific issue has already been fixed

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