Ever since I added a server menu system, first released a few month ago, I’ve gotten complains that when people try to connect it always says: ‘Server has shutdown.’
This did not happen at this frequency until I added a 1 player main menu system.
The issue
I believe this has to do with my main menu being a 1 player server and when someone press join, roblox automatically tries to pair him with a server that has a friend in it.
This friend is registered as being in the menu server, altho he has already left and that menu server has shutdown. Nevertheless he is still registered there and therefore the player is sent to an already shutdown server when he tries to join my game.
Don’t allow players to follow others into 1 player servers.
Here’s some fan-art that people been doing about this issue:
That was the best mini comic I have ever seen. Bravo.
Elaborating, This is a serious issue for me. I’m pretty sure that ROBLOX are aware of it, but haven’t released a working patch yet (I suppose it’s difficult for something on this scale)
For the time being is there no way to set max players to 2-3 and preferred players to 1? This would allow the players to get into a server if this happened.
I’m not sure how your lobby is set up but it doesn’t seem impossible to support multiple players.
It creates a ton of other issues since you need to teleport everyone except first player (because alot of datastore calls are made) to a reserved server.
This doesn’t solve joining a shutdown server issue either.
If you make a hub, using that API to get the biggest server, and teleporting people to it, it’ll work wonders. I am planning on using that API and releasing it as a FM to teleport players from 1 player servers when there are 3+ places in another server.
@PlaceRebuilder Are your players still experiencing this? I tried to reproduce, but couldn’t get it to happen with an alt I friended. The “server is full” error is currently broken (I get an long loading screen and this after a number of minutes), so I don’t know if ROBLOX has been playing around with matchmaking trying to fix it.
@Nightgaladeld can you forward this to the appropriate person? Players not being able to join games due to a ROBLOX bug sounds like a pretty serious issue.