Form a part inbetween two parts

So, what I have ‘accomplished’ is to make a function where I can create two points, now I need to make a part in between these points. And of course, this part needs to be adjusted (relatively) to the points’ sizes. An example you may be familiar with is bloxburg and how their wall-creation-feature. A more descriptive term for this would be “wall-placement”, if that terminology helps, dear god, please let it help.

Any input would greatly help. Thanks :slight_smile:


I’m still a bit confused, so what I understand is that you are using a script to make two parts, and you want to make a part in between them?

No, what I have made is that when you click with your mouse, you will create both a start(…/end) point. And now I need to ‘draw’ a wall inbetween these set points.

I think what you’re trying to do is connect a “line” between two points; which is an easy thing to do.

This has been done and asked hundreds of times, so instead of once again, answering the same question, I’ll link a thread with an answer to it.

Applying the same logic of that, but instead changing the size of the line on the y-axis, you can create a wall that is generated between two points.

Here is an uncopylocked place I made you can check out and play around with. (I even threw in some comments for you in the code!)

You can use the studio drag tool to move the points!
(Make sure to drag the points on the server since the code is being run on the server!)


try using this pllugin

I’m pretty sure if you want to set a part’s position in between 2 parts you just compare 1 position to another;

part.Position = (part1.Position - part2.Position)
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that’s what messed me up. That’s just what I thought it was

I think think my solution is the answer to his question, though I’m unsure of what he really was asking. There’s a lot of different solutions which is very confusing…

Yeah, i agree, but I just want to help nevertheless

I am sorry if I phrased this incorrectly. Any advice how I could in the future emphasise what I need help with? Was it perhaps “,now I need to make a part in between these points” unclear or was it because it was embedded into the text weirdly?

You could’ve just said that you wanted to position a small part in the very center of 2 parts.

That is not what he wanted, however. He wanted to construct a wall that extended between two given points, rather than just placing a part between two points.

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Oh, isn’t this similar to making a laser gun with rays? You want to make the laser gun fire from your handle to your mouse’s hitpoint.