Formbuilder | Create an application center in minutes

The workaround for that is to adjust the window a little bit.

Alright. Why is this happening in the first place? Lol

I donā€™t know yet. That wasnā€™t there before.

Alright. Also, thereā€™s no way to remove a question after making one. I assume thatā€™s a bug?

Yes. In fact I am fixing that one right now lol

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It seems to still be in StarterGuiā€¦ Did you forget to fix this?

Aight, Iā€™ll leave you to it. I gotta go now!

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This will eventually be fixed in v2. The reason I left it inside of StarterGui is to make customizing as easy and simple as possible. Since customizing will be gui based in v2, I will move it into the server.