Fort entrance feedback

Greetings developers! I’m new to studio and finally making my first project. I hope to get some feedback from experience developers so I can improve upon my current skills.


For a new builder this looks fantastic! The detail is quite nice on the fort. This is a bit of a personal bias, but I’d suggest not using vegetation decals. I think they might look good from afar but when you look up close the decals look messy.

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This looks really nice. I already like the start of the project. One thing I would add would be some flowers and a little river to help add some detail. One other thing would be some vines on the fort entrance walls. I hope this helps!

Really great job! I can see this being both a showcase game or a an actual playable game! Looks really good so far.

I do agree with Shadowed on adding flowers, though, because it would be a nice touch.

Keep it up!

Thank you all for the feedback and suggestions! Each and everyone of your suggestions helps me out. If you have anymore please let me know!

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From a critical perspective. You have done an amazing job. There’s a blatant sign of skill present. This is shown through your usage of depth and variety in both your colour pallet and materials.

On the other hand however, from a historical point of view, it is highly inaccurate. The walls are not wide or tall enough. I understand that this was a fort, but looking at the design features, I assume this is set in the middle ages or medieval times. Forts back then were about mini castles. They would have wide walls for quite and efficient movement of troops in the scenario of an attack and would possess tall walls to prevent the enemy climbing over. In addition, they would have the sewage no wear near the entrance as it is basically in invitation to get pillaged. In contrast, the build may be based of Byzantine architecture (but the walls are going to be even bigger). For example, Constantinople had two walls up to 13 metres high. Despite being a city, I think you could understand what I mean from this. Also the gate. They would usually have two layers between wood and a steel cage. If you did not have wood, it has like asking for the enemy to shoot you with arrows. For the cage would be very, very tight, meaning the iron bars would be very close together to prevent penetration.

Great job though!