Forum Help Categories

The Help Categories do not clearly distinguish between specific tasks.

Currently, we can find:

  • Art Design
  • Game Design
  • Building Support

If I have a question about 3D Level Design, 3D Modeling, 3D Texturing, 3D Character Art, Layered Clothing, Avatar Creation, PBR Material Creation, Skyboxes, etc., where should I post?

  • Why not have a clear 3D Art Help Forum?
  • Why this confusion and mix of categories?

Animation is obviously a big category on its own, including important topics like Character Rigging and Skinning. However, I also can’t find any dedicated category for that specific field.

The same goes for VFX, Particles and Emitters, as well as Music, Audio, and SFX.

Thx for your consideration.



If it’s the player making avatars, #help-and-feedback:game-design-support, if it’s you making avatars, #help-and-feedback:art-design-support


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