The Forum no longer allow quoting

Ever since the update of the forum I haven’t been able to quote posts. Was this feature disabled or simply a mistake? If anyone else have noticed let me know by replying to this topic.

I posted in the Inception Forum as it’s intended for discussion of the forum itself, including feature requests or bug reports.

So you just can’t quote messages?

Like this?

Because I don’t understand.

Uhh yeah. It doesn’t work for me on my phone nor computer anymore… Strange…

I assume you’ve tried highlighting the section of the post you want to quote, and it hasn’t shown a “Quote” option?

Oh, I simpley just do this, follow thw steps and it’s easy


Yes, exactly! That’s what I’m talking about. That’s what I mean by not working.

It works for me.

Maybe you’re highlighting something off the post?

Could this be a problem with the Web Browser you’re using? Which one are you currently using? (And does your phone use the same browser?)

Just saw an update as I was messing around with it, it wouldn’t quote for me if I selected spaces after the post.

Both my computer and phone use Chrome. It’s worth to note that I can quote by highlighting on other forums using discourse. So it’s something specific with the Developer Forum.

Try refreshing the page then highlighting it or simply use the feature of doing it manually.

I’ve been doing it manually a few times when I feel quoting is a must have. But it’s extremely unnecessary to do so when it’s something that happened in the update (which they can revert). Refreshing or anything at all doesn’t work.

Interesting, it works for me. Maybe it’s because of your page layout?

@Tor_Laws Do you have any page extensions that are just for background/features?

Negative, everything is standard.
Here’s a video proving it doesn’t work.

Maybe we need some Bug Hunters, so it also doesn’t work on PC?

I’ve found that phones are generally unreliable for quoting, because they usually think you want to copy the text. The phone not quoting is probably an issue with the operating system. It’s not just an issue with your phone.

I’m on phone currently and it works perfectly, so that’s not true. @SuperSmartyPants600

As I stated above it works absolutely fine on other forums using discourse as well.

Correct, last time I checked it didn’t work. @hmCorporation

Do you use Apple or Android? The two phones could react differently to highlighting, perhaps?