I created a report around 7 months ago on a user who openly scammed me out of 3k Robux. I provided all the proof needed, and yet never got a response from staff. This is very frustrating as a developer who hired them through this platform, to only have nothing done in response to a scam.
I figure this an automated message, but when I asked for a response I heard nothing. There needs to be an improvement on moderation, even maybe a scam investigation department. Scamming is a massive problem on this forum and needs more attention.
The forum is not a place to report scams, you’ll have to contact roblox support to help you.
And yes, that is indeed a canned response, the infamous canned response. It basically means they ignored your flag because it was incorrect. When you flag a post it is because the post breaks the rules, not because of something the user did that is unrelated.
I reported a user’s portfolio for scamming me, and they should take it down when I provided the proof. I don’t care about getting the robux back, I care about people who may hire them off this forum.
Also keep in mind that the @moderators inbox is set to tracking, this means only a count of new replies is shown, however they won’t be notified. This is the discourse default. You are better off contactng the DevEngagementTeam group, however I still don’t recommend this and you are better off contacting roblox support, since the scamming occurred on roblox.com, not devforum.roblox.com