Base Features:
- Player’s ability to hold their breath and to interact with their experience using their voice.
- Monsters AI utilizing players voice chat in order to determine the players position to give a more realistic experience.
- Smooth and responsive movement, this includes making the camera more responsive to the players actions.
- Immersive environment and sounds (still work in progress at the moment due to it not being a main priority)
To do:
- Create the story/lore of the game due to the game being inspired by more story driven survival/horror games.
- Create 3d models for the monsters/creatures the player will encounter during their experience.
- Possibly implement more multiplayer-supportive features in order to make the game a multiplayer experience.
Other information:
The game will be paid access during open testing, price at release and release date undecided.
A little sneak peak:
- You’ve been offered a fine sum to investigate a mysterious hotel. You’ve been informed that there has been many sightings of unsettling figures wondering inside the old building. Find any clues to what might be happening within’ the The Ebon Ridge Estate.
The lore and story is still being worked on so real full development on maps and other resources will be held on pause until base mechanics and the story are near completion.
New First Person demo video
This video demonstrates the basic outline for the first person mechanics within’ the game so far.
New look at mechanics!
This video is the progress made so far in the past 4 months. Really proud of how its turning out!
This forum will be updated once there is more progress to show