Fox’s Difficulty Chart Obby [Extended Description]

:fox_face: Fox’s Difficulty Chart Obby
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I thought I’d jump onto the Chart Obby trend, so here’s my rendition of it.

Do stages save?

Can I go back to a stage I beat?
Use the stage selector.

Make it easier?
No. It’s supposed to be hard. If you found that it’s impossible to continue then you’ve found your level of what you can and can’t do. (or buy skip stage)

I lost progress, how do I get it back?
At spawn there is a progress recovery button. Click it and the game will try to bring you back to the closest stage it remembers based off your badges.

I fall a long way before it resets me. Easier way?
Click R on your keyboard to reset and for mobile click the reset button on the screen.

Why are people talking about game lore? Are there secrets in the game?

:star: Credits
Creator & Builder - outfoxing
Programmers - Spooce, Righten
Artist - Bby_Noodle
3D Modeler [Baby Mesh] - Myzta
Clothing Designers - tuqqrds, DuhItsDxnny
Contributors - DocLimerence, Zeumus, Stratiz, HexxedUp, 1_Blaxk, p3x3i, Awesom3_Eric

Game Link: Fox's Difficulty Chart Obby - Roblox