Fps Arms colliding with player?

I can’t seem to figure this out the Fps Arms model consists of Body Colors, a Humanoid, a Head, a HumanoidRootPart, a Left Arm, a Right Arm, and a Torso, with a few attachtments inside the parts.

I also have a simple script.

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

local Viewport = game.ReplicatedStorage.ViewportSetup.ViewportHands:Clone()
local Camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
local Character = script.Parent

local BodyColors = Character:FindFirstChild("WizardStuff")

if BodyColors then
	local BodyColorsClone = BodyColors:Clone()
	BodyColorsClone.Parent = Viewport

Viewport.Parent = Character

local function Stepped(DeltaTime)
	Viewport:PivotTo(Camera.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, -4.5, -2))


Thought I would add this but after i delete Motor6ds it won’t collide with the player.

info is a little bit too vague, lots of stuff could be an issue; likely you just need to use collision groups/turn cancollide off for the arms

if the arms are welded then maybe enable Massless or swap to changing the motor6D’s .Transform property instead of using PivotTo; unfortunately roblox does kinda unpredictable things with their humanoids so it’ll take some tinkering

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