FPS Impacts Vehicle Acceleration

I am creating a Constraint-based vehicle chassis and am encountering an issue involving the acceleration of vehicles under different frame rates.

Here is the acceleration from 0-100 kmh at 60 FPS:

Here is the acceleration at 240 FPS

The results are that 60 FPS is always around 0.20-0.30 seconds slower.
I have attempted various methods of adjusting the deltaTime to no avail.

Here is the vehicle where all of the PreSimulation (Stepped) calculations are performed.

Here is where the torque is delivered to the wheels (it’s pretty messy trying to fix this issue)


Try and run it with substeps. Make a for loop that runs substeps times and update the physics at deltaTime/substeps time. See if that affects the performance over different framerates.

I tried this, but it seems very laggy and broke a lot of things.

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DeltaTime should be used where is located the velocity

Local Velocity = 60 * DeltaTime

so, try to implement deltatime in the gearMaxAngVelocity, or in any variable who has a velocity

(sorry for my english)

Unfortunately, I cannot change the gearMaxAngVelocity, as setting it to anything other than the gear’s max angular speed will cause the vehicle to not accelerate at all.