FPS Main Menu UI Design

Hey, I am currently designing Main Menu UI for an upcoming first-person-shooter. However, I can not think of a good idea, I need something that is dark-themed, simplistic, and easy to understand/navigate around, as well as being sleek. Please do give me your ideas, I would love to hear them! Here is a draft I have worked on: https://gyazo.com/c387e2453b409cc35694572107271403

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If you’re aiming for the modern style UI, try adding buttons as close to each other as possible: no icons for buttons, just words that represent where it will lead to, their functions. After you added the buttons, add the background. For the FPS shooter I would recommend a blurry image of your map or a gradient color.
Here are some examples that I found on the internet, although they don’t seem like the Main Menu UI, I think they’re still useful to inspire you and give you ideas:


Thank you very much! The last one has definitely inspired me, I will try to make something similair to it, and will definitely keep you updated on it! May I also ask where or what game the last image has been taken from? This is just for research purposes, and to explore the UI even further.

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I’ll message you the link in private.

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