FPS UI Design [Rainbow Six Inspired]

Hey there! My group Complex Studios is currently working on a First-person shooter heavily inspired by the popular game title ‘Rainbow Six Siege’ and I am wishing to know your opinions on the home screen and possible Improvements I could add.

Quick Summary:
I need some feedback on my home screen UI for an FPS game.

Any feedback appreciated, many thanks!


I think it looks great already but you should add a shop button

This looks great, but I recommend making it a little bigger.

Hope this helps!!! :+1::+1:


Looks appealing but I don’t know why you made the button smaller than it should be. It doesn’t make it stand out, just makes it look weird.

Besides that though, the UI is amazing.

Hey, @BullfrogBait thanks for the feedback.
I agree with you after I have looked over it again I will re-scale it before publishing.

Hey, @bob_5872 the interface is currently 1920x1080 I feel its the compressing that makes it look smaller than actuality. Hope this helps and thanks for the feedback non the less

Hey, @248kt Thanks for the feedback.
There is already a ‘Shop’ button situated in the top right of the screen, if there is something I am missing or mis-misinterpreting please let me know.

Oh I didn’t see that i’m sorry

the ui looks incredible, great work!

even though it is heavily based on r6, i think you should make the ui still look a little less similar, nonetheless, great ui

It’s a great UI, you should give it a bit of a twist and give it a bit of your own personal taste. Nonetheless it’s a pretty neat and clean UI

Thank you for the feedback. We / I have tried to make it resemble while also moving away from it being almost identical.

As you can see

there is are few differences.

Nonetheless thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback.
I will for sure add some more of my own twist in the actual main-game UI.

Wow, I love it! Good work! :clap::clap::clap:

Thank you! Really appreciated.