FPS unlock update breaking rail grinding

Hello! The release of Roblox’s new FPS unlocking update has created a new bug in my rail-grinding system. Because it’s binded to the client’s framerate, some players will go faster or slower along the rail depending on how high or low their framerate is. Note: This script isn’t mine, I forked it (no offense to the original scripter but it’s documented quite badly) so I have no idea where to put deltaTime to fix the problem.

Below is the script.


↢---- 【 Axis Code - Open Source 】 ----↣

Location:⟹ StarterPlayer〵StarterCharacterScripts〵RailGrinding․client․lua
Purpose:⟹ Rail Grinding
Author:⟹ Axis \ AxisTab
Fork: Robotstics

Instructions:⟹ 〖

1:⇶ Place The Script In StarterCharacterScripts
2:⇶ Make A Part In Workspace, Name it Rail
3:⇶ Change The Id Of The RailGrind Animation To Your Own
4:⇶ Your Done, Have Fun!


Comment:⟹ Credit is not required but it is appriciated, also do not claim as your own please! :)


-- ⤹ Services ⤸ --
local run_service = game:GetService("RunService");
local user_input_service = game:GetService("UserInputService");
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

-- ⤹ Configuartion ⤸ --
local config = {
	-- ⤹ Simple Configuration ⤸ --
	speed_cap = math.huge, --⤾ How Fast Can He Go On The Rail? (Adjust To Fit Your Needs)
	rail_accel = 1.2, --⤾ How Much Do We Accelerate Going Down?
	rail_decel = 0.8, --⤾ How Much Do We Slow Down When Goin Up?
	rail_friction = 0.002, --⤾ How Much We Slow Down Over Time
	turn_rail = false, --⤾ Do We Change Direction When Moving Backwards?
	animation = ReplicatedStorage.Assets.Animations["Grind Tricks"]:WaitForChild("FootGrind"), --⤾ What Animation Plays When We're On A Rail?
	attachment_offset = CFrame.new(0, -2.5, 0), --⤾ Offset For The Rail Particle
	attachment_angle = CFrame.Angles(0, 0, 0), --⤾ Offset Rotation For The Rail Particle
	-- ⤹ Advanced ⤸ --
	debounce = 10, --⤾ How Long To Wait Before You Can Get On After Leaving A Rail?
	hip_offset = 3.5, --⤾ Change This For Custom Characters (How Much He Is Above Or Below The Rail)
	turn_spd = 0.05, --⤾ What Is Our Speed Set To When Changing From Forward To Backwards?
	rbx_amplif = 64, --⤾ Used For Velocity Conversion
	min_spd = 0.75, --⤾ Minimum Speed We Can Go? (-1 = None)
	anim_priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action --⤾ Priority Of The Animation

-- Module -- 
local MiscFunctions = require(ReplicatedStorage.Modules.MiscFunctions)

-- ⤹ Variables ⤸ --
local character = script.Parent;
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid");
local animator = humanoid:WaitForChild("Animator")
local HumanoidRootPart = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart");

local rail_particle = Instance.new("Attachment");
rail_particle.Parent = HumanoidRootPart;
rail_particle.CFrame = config.attachment_offset * config.attachment_angle;

local load_animation = animator:LoadAnimation(config.animation);
load_animation.Priority = config.anim_priority;

local contact_sound = script:WaitForChild("ContactSound");
local rail_sound = script:WaitForChild("LoopSound");

local GrindBindable = ReplicatedStorage.Remotes:WaitForChild("GrindBindable")

-- ⤹ Attach Particle ⤸ --
local particles = {}
for _, particle in pairs(script:WaitForChild("RailParticles"):GetChildren()) do
	particle.Parent = rail_particle;
	table.insert(particles, particle);

-- ⤹ Rail Specific ⤸ --
local rail = nil;
local rail_debounce = 0;
local rail_dir = 0;
local rail_origin = 0;
local rail_ang = CFrame.Angles(0, 0, 0);
local rail_speed = 0
local on_rail = false;
local cur_pos = 0;
local event_fire_attempts = 0 

-- ⤹ Parameters ⤸ --
local params = RaycastParams.new();
params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude;
params.FilterDescendantsInstances = {character};

-- ⤹ Functions ⤸ --
local function GetRailRelative(rail: BasePart)
	local axis = rail.CFrame:VectorToObjectSpace(rail.Position);
	local player_axis = rail.CFrame:VectorToObjectSpace(HumanoidRootPart.Position);
	local offset = player_axis - axis;

	-- ⤹ Return ⤸ --
	return offset, player_axis;

-- ⤹ Handle Jumping ⤸ --
	-- ⤹ If We Are On A Rail ⤸ --
	if on_rail then
		-- ⤹ Rail Speed ⤸ --
		local add = rail.CFrame.LookVector * (rail_speed * config.rbx_amplif);
		if rail_dir == -1 then
			-- ⤹ Flip Cause We Are Going Backwards ⤸ --
			add = -add;
		-- ⤹ Set Velocity & Debounce ⤸ --
		local jump_vel = rail.CFrame.UpVector * humanoid.JumpPower
		HumanoidRootPart.AssemblyLinearVelocity = add + jump_vel;
		rail_debounce = config.debounce;
		-- ⤹ Jump & Reset Rail Variable ⤸ --
		on_rail = false;

-- ⤹ Rail Physics Bind ⤸ --
run_service:BindToRenderStep("__RailUpdate.core", Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value, function(dt)
	-- ⤹ Rail Debounce Timer ⤸ --
	rail_debounce = math.max(0, rail_debounce-1);
	-- ⤹ Do Physics ⤸ --
	if on_rail then
		if event_fire_attempts == 0 then 
			GrindBindable:Fire(on_rail, humanoid:GetState())
			print("Grinding: "..tostring(on_rail))
		-- ⤹ Rotate If We Are Moving Backwards ⤸ --
		local offset = rail_dir == 1 and 0 or math.rad(180);
		if not config.turn_rail then
			offset = rail_origin == 1 and 0 or math.rad(180);
		rail_ang = rail_ang:Lerp((rail.CFrame - rail.CFrame.p) * CFrame.Angles(0, offset, 0), 0.1 + (rail_speed/4));
		-- ⤹ Move The Character ⤸ --
		HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new((rail.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 0, cur_pos) * CFrame.new(0, humanoid.HipHeight + config.hip_offset, 0)).Position) * rail_ang 	
		-- ⤹ Anchor The Player ⤸ --
		HumanoidRootPart.AssemblyLinearVelocity = Vector3.zero 
		-- ⤹ Rail Speed ⤸ --
		local add = rail.CFrame.LookVector;
		if rail_dir == -1 then
			add = -add;
		-- ⤹ Check For A Rail ⤸ --
		local down_part = workspace:Raycast(HumanoidRootPart.Position + (add * rail_speed), (rail.CFrame - rail.CFrame.p).UpVector * -4, params);
		if down_part and down_part.Instance and down_part.Instance.Name == "Rail" then
			-- ⤹ If Not Our Current Rail ⤸ --
			if down_part.Instance ~= rail then
				rail = down_part.Instance;
				local offset = GetRailRelative(down_part.Instance);
				cur_pos = offset.Z
			-- ⤹ Fall Of The Rail ⤸ --
			on_rail = false;
			GrindBindable:Fire(on_rail, humanoid:GetState())
			HumanoidRootPart.AssemblyLinearVelocity = add * rail_speed * config.rbx_amplif;
		local forward_upward_part = workspace:Raycast(HumanoidRootPart.Position + (add*rail_speed), HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector, params)
		if forward_upward_part and forward_upward_part.Instance and forward_upward_part.Instance.Name == "Rail" then 
			if forward_upward_part.Instance ~= rail then
				rail = forward_upward_part.Instance;
				local offset = GetRailRelative(forward_upward_part.Instance);
				cur_pos = offset.Z
		-- ⤹ Variables For Slope Detection ⤸ --
		local a1a = add;
		local dotp = (a1a.unit):Dot((Vector3.new(0, -1, 0)).Unit);
		local slope = -dotp;
		local acc = 0;
		-- ⤹ Check? ⤸ --
		if math.abs(slope) > 0.1 then
			if slope < 0 then
				-- ⤹ Moving Down, Accelerate ⤸ --
				acc += math.abs(slope) * config.rail_accel;
				-- ⤹ Moving Up, Slow Down ⤸ --
				acc -= math.abs(slope) * config.rail_decel;
		-- ⤹ Calculate Rail Speed ⤸ --
		rail_speed += (acc / config.rbx_amplif)
		if rail_speed <= 0 and slope ~= -0 then
			-- ⤹ Change Direction, Since We Are Going Too Slow ⤸ --
			if rail_dir == 1 then
				rail_dir = -1;
				rail_dir = 1;
			-- ⤹ Accelerate ⤸ --
			rail_speed = config.turn_spd;
		-- ⤹ Friction ⤸ --
		rail_speed = math.max(0, rail_speed - config.rail_friction)
		-- ⤹ Speed Cap ⤸ --
		if math.abs(rail_speed) > config.speed_cap then
			rail_speed = math.sign(rail_speed) * config.speed_cap;
		-- ⤹ Minimum Speed ⤸ --
		if math.abs(rail_speed) < config.min_spd and config.min_spd ~= -1 then
			rail_speed = math.sign(rail_speed) * config.min_spd;
		-- ⤹ Move ⤸ --
		if rail_dir == 1 then
			cur_pos -= rail_speed;
			cur_pos += rail_speed;
		-- ⤹ Rail Debounce ⤸ --
		if not on_rail then
			rail_debounce = config.debounce;
	elseif HumanoidRootPart.AssemblyLinearVelocity.Y <= 0.1 and rail_debounce <= 0 then
		-- ⤹ Unanchor The HumanoidRootPart ⤸ --
		HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false 
		event_fire_attempts = 0 
		-- ⤹ Get Rails ⤸ --
		for _, temp_rail in pairs(workspace:GetPartBoundsInRadius(HumanoidRootPart.Position, 2.5)) do
			-- ⤹ Check If It's Actually A Rail ⤸ --
			if temp_rail.Name == "Rail" then

				local offset, player_axis = GetRailRelative(temp_rail);
				local player_axis2 = temp_rail.CFrame:VectorToObjectSpace(HumanoidRootPart.Position + HumanoidRootPart.Velocity);
				-- ⤹ Are We Going Backwards? ⤸ --
				local offset2 = player_axis - player_axis2;
				if offset2.Z < 0 then
					-- ⤹ Yes ⤸ --
					rail_dir = -1;
				elseif offset2.Z > 0 then
					-- ⤹ No ⤸ --
					rail_dir = 1;
				-- ⤹ Can We Go On The Rail ⤸ --
				if math.abs(offset.Z) < (temp_rail.Size.Z/2) then
					-- ⤹ Set Rail Part & Speed ⤸ --
					rail = temp_rail;
					rail_origin = rail_dir
					rail_speed = (HumanoidRootPart.Velocity - Vector3.new(0, HumanoidRootPart.Velocity.Y, 0)).Magnitude/config.rbx_amplif;
					-- ⤹ Set The HumanoidRootPart Angle & Rail Position ⤸ --
					rail_ang = HumanoidRootPart.CFrame - HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.p;
					cur_pos = offset.Z;
					-- ⤹ We Are Now On The Rail ⤸ --
					on_rail = true;
					if event_fire_attempts == 0 then 
						event_fire_attempts = 1 
						GrindBindable:Fire(on_rail, humanoid:GetState())
					-- ⤹ Contact Sound ⤸ --
					-- ⤹ Enable Particles ⤸ --
					for i=1, #particles do
						particles[i].Enabled = true
		-- ⤹ Unanchor The Root ⤸ --
		HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false
		GrindBindable:Fire(on_rail, humanoid:GetState())
	-- ⤹ Rail Sound ⤸ --
	if not on_rail then
		if not rail_sound.IsPlaying then
	-- ⤹ Animation ⤸ --
	if not on_rail and load_animation.IsPlaying then
		-- ⤹ Enable Particles ⤸ --
		for i=1, #particles do
			particles[i].Enabled = false
	elseif on_rail and not load_animation.IsPlaying then

And here is a clip of the bug in action. Note the FPS count and the speed of the grind.

External Media

Thank you in advance.

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You need to use it as a multiplying factor, as mentioned in the post about any frame-sensitive methods.

return function (Time)
	local startOS = os.clock()
	repeat game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Wait() until os.clock() >= startOS + Time

i use this function to make precise wait, idk if it will help you

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I know that, I just don’t know where to put deltaTime in the script. I’ve put it in numerous places trying to see for an effect but usually it doesn’t do anything.


Looks like you might need to put it here:


Just tried the following

  1. Multiplying cur_pos by dt
  2. Saving the new CFrame as a variable then multiplying it by a CFrame with dt as the Z
  3. Dividing the CFrame by a CFrame with dt as the Z

None of these have worked…


Update: Found the solution. In lines 228-233, I had to multiply the rail speed by deltaTime. The character jerks back and forth while grinding, but hopefully I find the solution to that as well.

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