In this instance which you can find here, the TextLabelFrame is not being displayed. It’s essentially a replica of the red visible Frame with the exception that it’s blue. WeirdUI.rbxm (11,3 Ko)
Check the properties of the UIListLayout you’ve got in there. It may be hiding the other frame, especially if GroupFrame has ClipDescendants set to true
The issue still happens if the UIListLayout gets removed and the scale horizontal coordinate of the TextLabelFrame gets set to 0.5. You’re invited to try it out as well.
There appears to be a misunderstanding and information I should’ve clarified earlier. Changing the StartCorner only shifts the issue elsewhere. The issue is that there is a blue Frame that should appear besides the red Frame as shown in this picture, but it currently doesn’t.
Changing the X value of the AnchorPoint of StatsFrameContainer to anything greater than 0.245seems to allieviate the issue; however, if you position StatsFrameContainer to where its X size is large enough, the blue box disappears again.
My guess is that this has something to do with how you’ve used Scale and Offset to size your UI elements. I have no idea otherwise.