Frame Drag [HOW]

How can I draggable frame that is in UIList/UIGrid?

You can’t move any objects inside ui grids/uilists. Sorry bud

Ah thank you, so if I want to move it I have to parent it outside first ?

Yeah. Also do u mind putting my post as solution as it solved the problem?

Bare in mind, it’s deprecated.

that doesn’t even work. They pulled the plug on it back in 2021. Also he was asking how to make objects in uilistlayout and uigridlayout draggable

You could emulate dragging by alternating between Horizontal/Vertical alignment depending on how the list of GuiObjects is currently aligned.

No I mean draggable is not like frame.Draggable = true but also even if using mouse drag, i already can make the frame can be drag, but I can’t when it’s inside UIList/UIGrid

Yeah, UIListLayouts et al UI layout constraints override the positions of affected GuiObjects so unfortunately free dragging won’t be possible.