Frame is not visible

So I have been making a trail shop and inventory. You buy the trail from the shop and you can equip it in the inventory. When you purchase a trail, it duplicates the template item frame into the inventory scrolling frame. The problem is, the template item frame is not visible at all despite having its visibility set to true. This picture shows what is supposed to look like:

To make this image, I just put the item template into the scrolling window and it is visible which means there is something else going on. Here is what it actually looks like:

And here are the properties for the item frame template when it is IN the scrolling frame:

Since there are no properties contradicting the frames visibility, it has to be nonvisible because of the inventory script. Here is the inventory script:

local shopFrame = game.StarterGui.Shop:WaitForChild("Frame")
local itemScroller = script.Parent
local itemPreview = script.Parent.Parent.ItemPreview
local trailsFolder = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Trails")
local ownedTrailsFolder = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("OwnedTrails")
local shopFrame = script.Parent.Parent
local invFrame = game.StarterGui:WaitForChild("Inventory")
local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer

shopFrame.Visible = false
itemPreview.Visible = false

local itemsFolder = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Trails")

function updateInventory()
	for i, child in pairs(invFrame.ScrollingFrame:GetChildren()) do
		if child:IsA("Frame") then child:Destroy() end
	local ownedTrails = ownedTrailsFolder:GetChildren()
	table.sort(ownedTrails, function(a, b)
		return trailsFolder[a.Name].Price.Value < trailsFolder[b.Name].Price.Value or trailsFolder[a.Name].Price.Value == trailsFolder[b.Name].Price.Value and a.Name < b.Name
	for i, trail in pairs(ownedTrails) do
		local item = script.Item:Clone()
		item.SelectButton.Text = "EQUIP"
		item.Title.Text = trail.Name
		item.Parent = invFrame.ScrollingFrame
			game.ReplicatedStorage.TrailSelectedRE:FireServer(false, trail)
			for i, itemButton in pairs(item.Parent:GetChildren()) do
				if itemButton:IsA("ImageLabel") then
					itemButton.SelectButton.Text = "EQUIP"
					item.SelectButton.Text = "EQUIPPED"



What is wrong with my script that is causing the duplicated item frame to not be visible?
Note: It also has nothing to do with the backgound of the frame being in front of the item template. I double checked it by making the parent the ScreenGUI (invFrame) and this is what it looked like:

maybe add an item.Visible here.

		local item = script.Item:Clone()
		item.SelectButton.Text = "EQUIP"
		item.Title.Text = trail.Name
		item.Visible = true

Did not do anything. Thank you though.

Are these supposed to be false?

That is the shop GUI which does not have anything to do with the inventory frame.

Is the frame that you are supposed to clone’s transparency 1?

Possible to screenshot the explorer? For your whole shop frame starting with the screen gui

did u try to mess around on zindex?

The solution was to just set the gui variables to the player GUI instead of the game.StarterGUI so the item clones could be visible.


Thank you! This helped me a lot and saved me hours of trouble

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