Frame not getting visible

Hey! I’m trying to make a function that sets a Frame to .Visible = true alongside other things on player.CharacterRemoving.

Everything works, except the BlackCover Frame setting to .Visible = true. I added a breakpoint and a print, both works. I’m really confused on why the Frame isn’t visible.

BlackCover zindex is higher than the HomeFrame and the BackgroundTransparency is 0, so the issue shouldn’t be there.

	BackTypeValue.Value = "EXIT"
	BackButton.Image = ExitImageID
	FrameCommunication.Visible = false
	FrameCameras.Visible = false
	HomeFrame.Visible = true
	BlackCover.Visible = true
	camera.CameraSubject = player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
	camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom

If this is a death screen, set the event to when the player-character-humanoid died event plays.

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It is not a death screen. It’s basically a SurfaceGui system, that is in StarterGui and has its Adornee set to a certain part.

I need more information on the BlackCover itself. It’s less likely it was due to a problem on this part of the code. Possibility that it was set to ResetOnSpawn.

local plrGui = player.PlayerGui
local GUI = plrGui:WaitForChild("STREAM-E Terminal")
local Frame = GUI:WaitForChild("Holder")
local BlackCover = Frame:WaitForChild("BlackCover")


The STREAM-E Terminal SurfaceGui doesn’t have the ResetOnSpawn property enabled btw.