FredokaOne is not a valid member of Enum.Font

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    set a menu to a font that loads as soon as the player joins the game.

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    I am getting the error: FredokaOne is not a valid member of Enum.Font even though it works fine when you change it manually.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    I tried adding a line to see when it was loaded, but it just infinitely waited.
    the line that I tried adding:

repeat wait() until table.find(Enum.Font:GetEnumItems(),script.Parent.Value)

the full script:

local function updateFont()
	for _, object in pairs(script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent:GetDescendants()) do
		if object:IsA("TextButton") or object:IsA("TextLabel") or object:IsA("TextBox") then
			object.Font = Enum.Font[script.Parent.Value]

Enums allow string values, have you tried setting the font to FredokaOne as a string?

Have you tried this instead? :
object.Font = "FredokaOne"

So like this?

object.Font = Enum.Font[tostring(script.Parent.Value)]

I tried doing object.Font = script.Parent.Value, but it erred with Invalid value ""FredokaOne"" for enum Font

That’s strange. Another try would be:
object.Font = 26

And if that doesn’t work either… I honestly don’t know.

That worked, however how would I get the font number of each font? Would I have to make a table with each number and it’s font name, and find it on there?

The list is here.

Okay, I just made a super long if statement for setting it

            if script.Parent.Value == "Arial" then
				object.Font = 1
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "ArialBold" then
				object.Font = 2
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "SourceSans" then
				object.Font = 3
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "SourceSansBold" then
				object.Font = 4
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "SourceSansSemiBold" then
				object.Font = 16
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "SourceSansLight" then
				object.Font = 5
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "SourceSansItalic" then
				object.Font = 6
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "Bodoni" then
				object.Font = 7
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "Garamond" then
				object.Font = 8
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "Cartoon" then
				object.Font = 9
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "Code" then
				object.Font = 10
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "Highway" then
				object.Font = 11
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "SciFi" then
				object.Font = 12
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "Arcade" then
				object.Font = 13
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "Fantasy" then
				object.Font = 14
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "Antique" then
				object.Font = 15
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "Gotham" then
				object.Font = 17
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "GothamSemiBold" then
				object.Font = 18
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "GothamBold" then
				object.Font = 19
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "GothamBlack" then
				object.Font = 20
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "AmaticSC" then
				object.Font = 21
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "Bangers" then
				object.Font = 22
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "Creepster" then
				object.Font = 23
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "DenkOne" then
				object.Font = 24
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "Fondamento" then
				object.Font = 25
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "FredokaOne" then
				object.Font = 26
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "GrenzeGotisch" then
				object.Font = 27
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "IndieFlower" then
				object.Font = 28
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "JosefinSans" then
				object.Font = 29
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "Jura" then
				object.Font = 30
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "Kalam" then
				object.Font = 31
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "LuckiestGuy" then
				object.Font = 32
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "Merriweather" then
				object.Font = 33
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "Michroma" then
				object.Font = 34
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "Nunito" then
				object.Font = 35
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "Oswald" then
				object.Font = 36
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "PatrickHand" then
				object.Font = 37
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "PermanentMarker" then
				object.Font = 38
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "Roboto" then
				object.Font = 39
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "RobotoCondensed" then
				object.Font = 40
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "RobotoMono" then
				object.Font = 41
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "Sarpanch" then
				object.Font = 42
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "SpecialElite" then
				object.Font = 43
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "TitilliumWeb" then
				object.Font = 44
			elseif script.Parent.Value == "Ubuntu" then
				object.Font = 45