[Free] British New Build Homes

Starting a UK community? Need some houses that are simplistic but realistic? Well you’re in luck!

I have made a number of houses based of real life New builds and am happy to say they are free to use in any game. I know how difficult it is when starting a roleplay community to find good developers when you dont really have any pay.

The Windsor
The Mitchell
The Gosford [Detached]
The Gosford [Semi-Detached]
The Eden
The Duggen
The Morton
The Darwick
Don’t want to buy them all individually? Get them all here:
The Complete Set

These are only exterior built, you would be able to put and interior in but they were not built to have an interior so it may be difficult!

I hope this helps someone a lot.

P.s please link me your games once they are finished, I would love to see them!!

Any questions or concerns, please contact me:


Thanks for this! These look so good! I’ll cop these tomorrow when I get on my computer.

PS: could you please put these in a folder and sell them as a single model maybe?

Thanks again! :+1:


Is not for sale! Please fix this. :+1:

Thank you for sharing this resource as it would be quite helpful for my current UK project game. The house exterior looks beautiful and perfect and the only issue is the “The Gosford Semi-Detached” house is off-sale.


So sorry about that! It should be working now :smiley:

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Just fixed it! Thank you for letting me know!
Thank you for the feedback on making them avaliable as a set! I have done this :smiley: Hope this helps!

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The Darwick (This comes with 2 houses, both the exact same house but reflected. This is because the back doors are on the sides of the house rather than at the back.)
The Complete Set so you don’t have to buy each one individually :smiley:

Thanks! This will help alot. Nice work, one of them looks like my friends house irl! :joy:

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Thank you for uploading the whole set as it makes it much easier to grab all of them at once. :+1:

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great asset! I can see that you put a lot of time and effort into making this for the community.

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Looks amazing! You should make American styled homes too. I also feel like some Mexican ones sound cool too!