(FREE) Builder/Modeller for hire! (CLOSE)

Layer 2
Hey there! I am 13 and I have been building for around half a year and I am looking to do some simple stuff either building or modeling for some people to **gain my work experience **! I am going to choose 2-5 people in this free hiring program.

Modern Vibe Kitchen Build

Low Poly Cafe Build
(took this pic from my Instagram so the quality is a bit bad)

Minimalistic Homestore

Paris Theme Homestore

I am available for one to three hours each day due to my personal life, my timezone is (UTC +8). Hope you can understand!
Weekdays that I am available on :
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday,
Weekends I am available on:

Prices are free for now due to I need to gain my work experience. Please be nice and don’t keep pushing to the dev or else you will get ban and your request will be canceled. The dev also had the right to cancel your request too! Please remember to give me credit(s) after I finished your commission!

You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via discord
Discord Tag: kophry#0195

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


Can I have a vibe kitchen for my game?


Sure! Please tell me the detail via Discord!

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Sorry, I don’t add people…


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Okay! I understand this situation! Do you have twitter or can I add you on Roblox so we can communicate there?

Sure, add me on roblox.https://www.roblox.com/users/2045643122/profile

Accept my Discord request I am coolmen

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accepted, please check dm. thank you so much :))))))))))

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I would like a training center build for my cafe or an interview center


closed, sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyy :((((((((