Free commisions gfx

Hey I’m kr6za!

A little about me

  • I am a 15 year old graphic designer from Toronto.
  • I have 3 years of experience using blender, after effects, and photoshop.
  • I’m a very hard worker.
  • Failure does not scare me.

So about free artwork…

I’m currently looking to start taking commissions and freelancing however I need some pieces as all I currently have is one group image from 2021 that could’ve been better.

If you are in need of artwork with a incredibly low budget I can get the job done for free. Takes about 2-3 hours

What can I create for you?

  • Ads
  • Game Icon
  • Group Icon
  • Game banner
  • YouTube banner
  • Profile pictures
  • etc…

Please let me know if you are interested, you can contact me through the developer forum or ideally my discord kr6za. (there is a period at the end of my user :slight_smile: )

Have a heavenly day.


wrong category go and choose collaborations category instead please :pray:


thankyou for the notice, I had a hard time finding it.

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maybe put this in #collaboration:portfolios or even #help-and-feedback:art-design-support because there’s always going to be some village idiot who’ll flag a thread like this just because there’s a chance of it being off topic.

Onto the actual topic, though; I don’t think its a good idea to work for free, even when building a portfolio because there’s always a chance somebody will take that work and use it for large game that you wouldn’t get a cut of. Instead think of someone ideas and concepts and then work on them as if it was a commission, like making a thumbnail for a military group or a banner for a battlegrounds game, it’ll give you good practice and if the results are good enough it’ll also entice people to hire you.

On a side note however, its entirely up to you and also a good way to learn in general, I did the same thing with animation back when i first started out (albeit on a game called rate my avatar and not the forums), so dont let anyone stop you if this is how you wish to build a portfolio.


Despite it being unlocked now, it’s still muted. I’d recommend going in and clicking “normal”:


I think it’s a great idea way to build up a portfolio quickly because if you ask payment you’ll enter the paradox of needing a portfolio to get clients but you can’t get clients without a portfolio.

Contacted OP for an order a day or two ago and no response unfortunately

Cool. Good luck with your freelancing!

Same here, after contacting, and discussing in dms. OP ghosted me, and never replied ever again.

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Still no response now, contacted via DevForum

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Yup, I’ve been ghosted entirely.