Fully customizable - Wood UI Pack


Hey! :wave:

Recently, a game jam was hosted between the Spanish and Portuguese development communities here on the dev forum. So I’ve decided to open-source the UI’s I’ve made during the game jam for public use! :slightly_smiling_face: (I was permitted by an administrator)

Everything included in this pack was created by me, such as the Icons and the background.

Feel free to reply with your suggestions and opinions! :smile:

:arrow_down: - :arrow_down: - :arrow_down: - :arrow_down: - :arrow_down: - :arrow_down:

(Fully customizable) You can download it here:

Font used:


Google Fonts: Lemon

Hope you enjoy it! :wink:


Hello, @Scxipted!

I have a question, is the UI scripted? I have not used the UI so I do not know.

Nice UI!

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Its just the UI and not scripted.

Oh alright, thanks for telling me!

Unfortunately It’s just the UI, you can search the devforum for scripts for the UI. :smile:

I really like the way it looks.


I knew there was no chance that you wouldn’t comment on this.

Anyhow, the UI is really nice. Just a heads up for any game devs who use this, please do credit @Scxipted for creating it.


I mean, wood always looks good. :sunglasses:


can we use this for commisions?

Commissions? In what sense?

I am pretty sure OP would not their work resold or used in projects people pay for. This Wood UI pack is free and it shouldn’t be sold off to anyone.

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Ah, got it. thank you for letting me know!

Wow! It has been wood reviewer approved!


:scream: Nice prodution my friend :scream:

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It reminds me of the steam game golf with your friends. Nice

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