November 1, 2020, 5:57pm
Today’s the day where I go up a year in age (My birthday ), and so as a small birthday-celebration, I’ve decided to create a party-related UI and open-source it!
Everything included in this pack was created by me, although crediting me is not necessary!
➜ Feel free to reply with your suggestions and opinions!
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➜ Font used:
Lemon/Milk - Text
Lemon Milk Font |
Lemon - Numbers
Google Fonts
➜ Other open-source UI’s:
Wood UI Pack
Fully customizable - Wood UI Pack
Cartoon/Modern UI Pack
[FREE] User Interface pack
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➜ (Fully customizable) You can download it here:
PartyPack-UI.psd (4.1 MB)
➜ Hope you enjoy it!
November 1, 2020, 5:59pm
Happy birthday! This looks awesome, not gonna lie. The only thing that bothers me is that the “0” looks like O, nothing else.
November 1, 2020, 6:07pm
Updated the numbers with a new font which hopefully doesn’t make the “0” look like an O, thanks for bringing that up!
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November 1, 2020, 8:06pm
Could you make this into a model so I don’t have to download a file? That would be great!
Otherwise, it looks really cool! Great job on this!
1 Like
It looks awesome! Also happy birthday!
November 2, 2020, 6:20pm
Happy Late Birthday!
The ui’s look amazing! I might use one of them for a upcoming game! (:
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