Free GFX Artist [OPEN]

About me

Hello! My name is Hayley and I’m a gfx artist beginner! Since not so long ago I started doing some gfx and logos, and I wanna build a profile so I’m gonna take free commissions in order to practice.


My timezone is GMT or EST. On weekdays I’m available 7-9 hours. And on weekends I am available 10-14 hours.


As I said, I take free.


You can contact me on here @finvIy and on discord: finvly#9753

Extra information

  • I have the right to decline orders
  • You must be 13+
  • As I said earlier Im a beginner so if you want some really high quality, then Im not the person!

Thank you for reading! Have a fantastic day/night!


hey can u add me my discord user is GlediSenpai#8007 since ur username is incorrect

Do you have any work you can show? I am in a pinch so i dont have robux but I really need a PFP so i searched free GFX artist and this popped up.

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Hey my discord is Visxals#2532 I need a GFX artist and I can pay you 15 Robux if you’d like if you help make one for me

hey your discord name doesn’t work please very also please send me a friend request: falcon2666