Free Gui Samples for DevForum

Hey everyone, I am a GUI Developer and a Builder. I decided to give DevForum some free samples they can use as GUI. Underneath I have a Shop GUI Button and a Codes GUI Button. Please give me feedback too! Also, the buttons won’t be scripted as they are PNG and are the raw material. If you use it please give me credits and if u would like a custom GUI please message me.


PS: All GUI is made by me @Dev_ZG



Nice UI. Keep up the good work.

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I am bad at designing GUIs and so this is very helpful!

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If you use them please give me credits

hopefully I helped your game :slight_smile:

Yes, I might use these for my upcoming game.
Thanks, these look amazing!

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Ui looks pretty nice but here is some suggestions

  1. When using the Luckiest Guy font I suggest making all of the letters capitalized.

  2. Change the text colour from White to maybe Dark Grey

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