Free Huge Terrain map!

Hi Everyone

I thought I’ll give out a old terrain map I created over the summer by hand without any plugins!

Sadly I never really use it for anything so maybe you guys would like to use it for any of your projects you might make!

Map size is about 5000 studs by 6000 studs

Map Link: • Terrain Map {FREE SHOWCASE} - Roblox

Photos of map:

happy building :slight_smile:


Wow, this is an amazing resource! Thanks for giving this to the community!


When I spawn, there’s just a baseplate with 3 trees, where is all the terrain?


Same here, I’m confused… what happened to the terrain?

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Hey wait: It’s all in studio. Go edit the source and the terrain is all there, for some reason the terrain isnt in the actual game


Ill update the game sorry about that guys


Wow, this is so impressive and so realistic! Thanks for giving out for the community!


Right same thing I said about, I also just checked out his profile amazing work :wink:


Amazing work! I’ll sure use this if I need a map with terrain!

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The quality is insane on this, do you have any way we could tip, set a gamepass as 200, ill buy it as a tip


Jeez, I was literally speechless when I saw the map. It’s even better that your giving this to the forum community! Thanks!


My eyes lit up when I noticed that he/she is the same person that made Apartment 23

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Wow! Amazing! Thank you so much for giving this out to the community! Really means a lot!

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I love it! I also love giveaways! Its very realistic and detailed! 100% Amazing! I love the atmosphere by the way! It’s very pretty. Hope I get it. And could make it. :slight_smile: :exploding_head:

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Oh my… I just screamed after seeing that like and that your the creator of Apartment 23, it’s so beautiful and one of my favorite things on Roblox. :heart: :exploding_head:

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This look insanely realistic, and it’s huge!
The only thing that bothered me is the transitioning between sand and water, I hope Roblox would improve that…
But in all the seriousness, you did a Incredible and Amazing job making this, the terrain, the lighting, the map design.
It’s sure is helpful for some people :slightly_smiling_face:

Keep up the good work!

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This is beautifully done! It’s not often that I see incredible terrain usage and the level of detail is insane. The lightning is perfect and I love the extra detail by having the mountains in the background. It makes the map look even bigger than it already is. Also, the fact that you even made this without any plugins is just awesome!

I will definitely use this sometime in the near future. Thanks for making this and for deciding to make it open-source!

:100: Good job!

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Amazing! I’ll be using this for my game if that’s okay.

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This is the CORE for an amazing showcase game. I’m sure people will be using this for that. I might even give it a shot. This is amazing.

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The game look SO stunning! It looks real! I could basically look at it all day.

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