[FREE] Icon, Game Pass's, and Thumbnail GFX | Done

About Me

I joined in 2006, coding in 8 languages, and having 9 years of blender experience, I’m finally wanting to branch into more genre of development. I am offering free GFX to 5 teams so I can build a portfolio. I do not do drawing, I can do things with characters and cool editing and such.

The quality will actually be better than the majority of GFX designers for Gamepass and Icon, as I want to get a cool portfolio for it. I’m not sure how well I can do on a Thumbnail dependent on what someone is wanting.

##Things I can’t do
1.) If you’re wanting me to add crazy art lines and things, I can’t do that with the program I use, this is not for Anime themed work.

Here are some screenshots of my work








Make me something with my Roblox Avatar, I am a Roblox Developer with a total of 3,513,883 Place Visits (you can see on my profile)

Here’s my Roblox Avatar:

And can you implement something with my discord pfp:

reply to this message your masterpiece, when you done.

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Here you go Calum. Have a fantastic day man.

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UPDATE: Added screenshots of work

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download (13)
Can you make one of this avatar thats kind of like Calum’s? Thanks!

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Sorry no can do. I am only taking certain work I find to be different.


Could you do mine, anything would be fine but if you want to try something new maybe neon?

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Bump and Update | Added more representation of work

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Could you do something with my ROBLOX Avatar as well?


Thanks in advance, and good luck with your skills!

WOW Looks amazing! have a great day!

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Make whatever you want with my Roblox avatar. I do not mind at all.

hi! can u make me a drawing for my group cover? thanks!

You’re very welcome sir! Have an amazing day :stuck_out_tongue:

hello! can u make something from my Main acc Chrounix avatar?
here is a pic of it

Can you make mine please?

pose btw:

No offense but i found this funny that you copy and paste same message on different portfolios lol

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Can you make me a youtube channel icon using the roblox person claled 4shadez? The youtube channel name is called mav (and no I do not have like 600k subs)

Sent a request on discord, please respond

Can you make a Gamepass template?

Hello there! I see you are making thumbnails! Could I possibly do a thumbnail with my avatar, holding a crossbow, posed like this?

And here’s my avatar