[FREE] Inno's STYLIZED Asset Pack

Howdy! :wave:

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Sem I’m a 3D Artist on the platform which goes by the alias innovatement. Today I proudly present to you Inno’s Stylized Asset Pack! A high-quality asset pack for FREE!

I designed this asset pack with the purpose of empowering (beginning) creators on the Roblox platform by further expanding their horizon by showcasing what is possible with this incredible software!


Inside of this pack you will find a large variety of assets separated into 5 different categories;

  • Category 1 | Foliage
  • Category 2 | Infrastructure
  • Category 3 | Trees
  • Category 4 | Structures
  • Category 5 | Customizable :art:


Inside of this category you will find the following assets;

  • Log \ Mossy Log
  • Bushes (2 Variations)
  • Clovers (3 Presets)
  • Mushrooms (3 Presets)
  • Lilypads (6 Presets)
  • Flowers (4 Variations \ 3 Presets each)

Inside of this category you will find the following assets;

  • Wooden Crate
  • Wooden Barrel
  • Lantern
  • Lantern Pole
  • Fences (3 Variations)
  • Anvil
  • Wooden Bridge
  • Stone Bridge (+ Snowy Variation)


Inside of this category you will find the following assets;

  • Trees (6 Color Variations \ 4 Different tree variations each)


Inside of this category you will find the following assets;

  • Medieval House
  • Medieval Castle

Inside of this category you will find the following assets;

  • Rock (7 Variations)
  • Rocks (6 Presets)
  • Trees (4 Variatons)
  • Bushes (2 Different bushes \ 2 Variations each)
  • Log
  • Clovers (3 Presets)
  • Wooden Bridge
  • Medieval House (Roof customizable only)

For those wondering how coloring these specific objects work I have provided you with a tutorial showcasing how this is done exactly. You can find this tutorial in the image attached below.

To simplify → Select desired object → Open drop down menu’s → Select Surface Appearance → Select Color → Modify color to your liking & Done!


Creative Commons License

This asset pack can be modified and used for personal and commercial use. The asset may not be redistributed directly.

All rights belong to Innovatement. Crediting me for using these assets is not mandatory.

– .rbxl and .rbxm file.
.rbxM file is used as a model and can be dragged in from your folder into studio
.rbxL file is a PLACE file. Drag it into studio and the workspace will open for you automatically.


Down below you will find links to YouTube videos which showcase the asset pack. These videos show off various ways on how this asset pack can be used.

Roblox Model: https://create.roblox.com/store/asset/18817890736/Innos-Stylized-Asset-Pack
.ZIP file: (MediaFire): Inno's_Stylized_Asset_Pack
FreeFlow Store; Freeflow


Wow, these look most excellent!

Thanks for sharing!


The model is private, but looks very good nevertheless


Should be public now!

I also added the .zip folder which is the 2nd link :sweat_smile:

Nice, got it…

Anyway you can make the buildings doors its own mesh, so we can turn collision off on just the door to get inside, and or add code to make it swing?..

The inside is great too!

Excellent art work!

U Rock!

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Definitely going to look in to this for a potential future update! They weren’t originally intended for interior :sweat_smile:

Very glad to see you’re enjoying the assets!

innovatement always cooking… :heart:

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