Free logo event work pieces

Hey there! Yesterday I started my free logo event. You can find it below.
[FREE] Making text logos for free since I’m bored! - Collaboration / Portfolios - DevForum | Roblox

And here is 2 of the logos i made for @CatTheCatception and @JustKillea

You can leave feedback, questions etc.


Both look pretty good, for the 2nd one I’d suggest putting a sword behind “SWORDS” or a knife.

yeah i did make that variation but it looks worse and doesn’t fit with the style much

Did you try something like that?
(My line represents a sword behind the name, or try making like a sword through sword type thing like

Did the second one, it ends up being super plain and doesn’t fit in or changes the style too much

the first one, words “Noob” has the same color with the outline.
Woah! the second was really great, but did you scale “District” at the middle yet?
(oh zudstheking said that) yea and design more logo that make sense with the subject too!

the color for the noob text is made so it is slightly different from the outline. District text is supposed to be positioned there, I’m not making perfectly in line logos, its just part of the style.

Wdym by