Free Plugin - T-Color Palette, intelligent and time saver color palette

T-Color Palette


Group 1-5

Hello devs and ui disigners,

today I wanted to introduce you my new inteligent UI tool that makes easier recoloring ui. It's special features as hex, rgb, hsl and transparency sliders, a save color and a select all guis with color function, and even with a tab that displays every colors presents in the gui will change your working style.

HEX, RGB, HSL and Transparency

you can use the sliders or the textboxes to change the colors of the current ui instance.

Save Color

save and never forget a color! this feature save the current color to all the places you already have.

Gui's Colors

this feature is a new one! it is so useful that any ui dev should have it. It displays all the colors presents in the ui, and allows you to reuse them or to select all the ui instances with that color

Select guis from color

a single right click on a color square allows you to select every instances having the clicked color as background.

More features coming soon !

Download : here

futur features if I get positive feedbacks: Color Picker, pre-made palettes, and more!

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I aprreciate your effort on this… But its quite not that useful. As roblox’s color pallete already has literally everything. Except color saving which is not such a big headache.

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I think you didn’t read everything, as new features like selecting all instance with a color, having a list with all colors presents in a doc, a transparency slider , a HEX and hsl input. But thank you for the feedback. And its also free so why not try?

I did infact read all the features you listed but they arent really of interest as it could have more. But as said, its a nice practise and many people would infact love or like it.

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