Free Private Servers and Game Sorts Updates!

I don’t really care much about free private servers and changing the name of VIP servers to Private servers.

But i really love the game sorts updates, because it really helped me a lot. I wished roblox gave back searching by genre tho.

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I find private servers makes more sense then VIP servers, so glad they changed it. :+1:

I totally agree with @FISHGROOT here,

I think we definitely need to see some sort of discovery via genre, otherwise the whole ‘game genre’ idea becomes virtually useless. Also maybe some more genres so it allows more diversity within games on ROBLOX, rather than cramming loads of games into a genre that it loosely fits with.

Apart from that, this looks awesome! I like the look of the new layout, and especially happy that ‘Recommended For You’ is second, as well as ‘Most Engaging’ and ‘Up-and-Coming’ sorts are relatively high up to allow new game discovery.
Hopefully we’ll see some new game sorts soon!

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RTHRO sort should not be removed, its one of the only sorts that you can get on to without your game having to be catered to a certain style. (Play Together & Learn and Explore)

Plus it is used, alot. Not for the RTHRO but just to find new games.

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