Free Roblox T-Shirt Uses Old Roblox Logo

Hello, I was looking to purchase the Free Roblox T-Shirt when I noticed that the Free Roblox T-Shirt uses the old Roblox logo with the small hole instead of the new Roblox logo, where the hole size is much bigger.

Expected behavior

I expect the Free Roblox T-Shirt I was intending to purchase to use the new logo with the way bigger hole as seen on the right.


This is affecting me in my everyday life as a ROBLOXian, every single time I wear this shirt people think I am broke for not buying a real Roblox shirt.

Please fix this issue.


This change would be Irrelevant, concluding at the time this item was made it was using the correct logo. Will you also be reporting the older items that has the incorrect logo, and or previous text that used to be Roblox. Example; the Roblox Logo Visor - Roblox could be one of many changes since it’s incorrect as of now, but was correct at a given time.


I think this isn’t really much of an issue.

  1. There are many ROBLOX published catalogue items with the Roblox logo that was used at the time which would now be outdated, take the classic roblox baseball hats for example. They wouldn’t change those, they just make new ones.
  2. This is a rather trivial detail, it’d probably only be changed if there was an actual error made in the design, instead of it just being rendered outdated due to branding changes done after it was made.
  3. Historical value, like the classic ROBLOX branded accessories from years ago.

This is not a bug, at the time this was made this was intentional, people bought this wanting the old logo that was displayed on it when roblox made it, this is intentional


This obviously not a bug. However, I think they have updated the logo on some catalog accesories/packages before.

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