Free Simple Commissions

Hey! Saw an old topic in this section where a guy made free GFX’s to practice. Well I decide to do the same thing. Instead, I’ll be modeling/scripting simple things (e.g, not an entire system, maybe an animated door, etc) that people need for their game! Reply with:


  1. Not an entire map

  2. Not entire systems )

  3. Good description of what you need.

  4. If you want to use it for your game or not. (It’s free, I just need to know so I can share it with you.)

Have a great day! :smile:

Work done so far: (Images)


Hello, fun idea you have there. My idea which should be simple is make a tool that heals you. But, make it unique. For example like popeye. This can be anything you like. Good luck. (Also I don’t need it for a game I just want to see what you create :smiley: ).

Thanks for your contribution! I’ll start now and update you when I’m done.

@SilentSuprion I apologize, had to go eat. Will start now!

I would like a model of a banana with machinegun. Dont ask.
Also yeah this is pretty cool! I wish I had thought of this while I was learning roblox studio!

modeling like maps or like character npc’s?

Done! I actually learned how to use for loops with this. At first I had trouble because whenever the player healed, they would immediately lose it after healing a bit and repeat. However I realized I had to do it server side and it worked.

File size for recording was too big so you can test it here (it’s uncopylocked, and it’s a neon slushy)

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That’ll be challenging, but I will try! Expect it to not be done for some time :joy:

@Jakek082007 not entire maps but maybe like a house or something, and also yeah modeling characters I could give a try


Gfx are actually easy to make When you know what your doing


This is awesome and i am making an apocalypse type game, so I was wondering if you could make a model(s) of some random apocalypse things, lol. Yes it will probably be in my game.

Edit: always good to have more models.

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Alright sure! What assets are you talking about?

The best models for my game would definitely be robot parts, circuit boards, wires, gears, metal plates, etc. (Bonus if you make a good looking robot model out of the pieces, lol). If you dont feel like that though the next best is probably big things like buildings. Thank you!

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Also the heal item place is private. It would be much appreciated if you would make it public!

Maybe pushing it, but a simplified version of this kitchen-van would be nice (as detailed as you feel like! Proportion is most important to me) and if you feel like scripting, you could make the tent-cover-thingy extend!

But if thats too much, even just the pink furniture is fine.



This would be stationary, I wouldn’t use it for driving. You can ignore the text. I’d like to use this in my game.

Alright, seems like it’ll be fun! Will get back to you with progress (within the next day or two, depending when I’ll start it. Might even use this for my game if it’s good haha)

@Realgoodguyalways just made it public, must have overlooked that

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Like a background house or house you can go into?

more like a house with exteriors/no interiors

pretty please model this monstrosity of a being?? :pleading_face:

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Sorry it took some time, just had time to do it now. Anyway I didn’t really have much inspiration on how to make it so I just put this together. Lmk if you want me to tweak it to your liking.


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