Free Simulator UI Pack by Typbloxian

Hello! Today I made a UI Pack because I got 30 likes on my Twitter commission sheet post. I made this as my appreciation for the support, you will just need to Import + Script it!

PSD.psd (4.2 MB)

(Can be opened in Photopea, Photoshop etc.)

You will need to commission someone for the icons, or use a website for free vectors.

Good website for icons:
(Do not sell the icons, and do not claim that you made them.)

How to import: Import Ui from Photoshop to Roblox - YouTube

How to Animate/Script it: Roblox Advanced UI animations tutorial! - YouTube

(All of the videos r not by me, and the credits goes to the creators of the videos.)

When using:

  • Make sure to credit me.
  • If you want to practice Animating/Scripting the UI for practice, you can do that.
  • You can Remake it for practice, not personal use/commissions.

Love my work and want to get a custom one for urself? UI Designer | Typbloxian's Portfolio

Contact me on

Roblox: @TypDaBloxian
Twitter: @Typbloxian
Discord: typnuv#0001


Nice! Now I can gimme

For real though nice giving back to the community.

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Thanks! I need help having it show up in GIMP. It imports, however I cannot see anything after hiding the background.

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That’s cause the pack is hidden. Please press this, it will show it!

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Thank you very much! I was having a lot of trouble :joy: