[FREE] StoreUI, an animated modern gamepass store UI

StoreUI is a modern UI which can be configured to your own gamepasses easily!

StoreUI has been animated and includes a few sleek transitions for all that satisfaction everytime you open your game store. StoreUI uses Tween to make the UI move smoothly and swiftly, making your experience much better!

Grab it for free here: https://www.roblox.com/library/5200160582/StoreUI

Test it out along with other free UI things (like my music system) here: https://www.roblox.com/games/5166562100/UI-Playground

If you have any suggestions for future versions of this, bug reports that could help stop glitches, please don’t hesitate to DM me on either Twitter, Discord lexi#8784 , or devforum!

Example (its not as smooth as in game, it's a gif, also it appears as flat colour, it's actually gradient)




Added title and transition for that.


Thank you! The music and UI system will work well for what i’m working on!


Great! I hope you find them very useful!

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This is a really cool UI design!


I’m glad that you like it! (30char)

Looks amazing! Cant wait to play around with this - I’ll be sure to credit you :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the great Store UI. Can’t wait to use it.

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Happy you are excited to use it!

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No need for credit but I’m always appreciative for it! :slight_smile:

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I would recommend anchoring your guis at 0.5,0.5 so that they are always at the center of the screen. Other than that, the GUIs look amazing!

I’ll try this, thanks for the feedback! :smile:

I would add a close button to the top right or bottom center of the UI and also replace the flat-style color scheme with UIGradient for a smoother finished aesthetic. But other than that, nice job!

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The flat colour scheme is just the gif, it’s actually UIGradient used. I might experiment and move around the close button but it’s not top of the list for to do.

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Could you benefit from mobile support?

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From the poll, I can see that people would like support for Mobile users, I’ll start working on it and update you all when it’s live.

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great work, looks really clean and neat!

Can I just ask, what font did you use for this text?

GothamBold was used. With UI gradient, and roundify.

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big thanks! GothamBold never looked so nice before :star_struck:

No problem, I hope you enjoy using Gotham Bold! :laughing: :wink:

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