Note: Can no longer accept any requests until further notice.
For clarification, I only work for free if the assignment is for a Star Wars clan startup or a CnG startup. I will NOT work for free if it’s for a role-play game/something outside of genre. Sorry for the confusion.
About Me
Hi, I’ve been working with models since 2016 but actually making good stuff starting 2017. I lead my own star wars clan (really sucking up my time) and my only experience is really within the star wars and ww2 genres. I don’t make stuff for pay but I only work for groups I like/believe in. What that means:
- I don’t like money-grab clans that use other peoples’ tech (besides the stuff they paid for) to make a profit
- I barely stand groups that monetize their games at all
- I like clans that believe in making the best looking games possible while still being well-optimized enough to host giant rallies/raids
- I don’t like groups that revolve around a “closed genre-type” system
If I’m being asked to work on a team:
- I’m a real stickler for perfectionists and don’t like slackers or people with a high sense of apathy for their work.
- I like being able to joke around and have fun, not be used and thrown away like a dirty rag
- If it’s for a BIG GAME IDEA then it better be feasible otherwise I will NOT be helping you, as I’ve been cheated out of months of my time for several projects just to have them die off
Why Am I Free?
I’m free because I see all to often that start-up projects/groups with great ideas and communities can’t get off the ground without using free-models or leaked tech because they lack the funds to afford professional development teams.
Things I Can Do
Lighting, Game Directing, Terrain, Morphs, Uniform edits, Consulting/Advising, Guns, Ships, other small models.
I really REALLY would like to stick to smaller stuff rather than ships and full maps because I take a long time to make them (because I’m always changing things to make it more p e r f e c t.
Tools I Use
- Roblox Studio
- Quixel Suite 2.0 (Both DDO AND NDO; will be using Mixer 2020 when it releases)
- Quixel Mixer 2019; and by extension, Quixel Megascans
- Cinema4D
- Maya
- Photoshop
- PaintdotNET
- 3D Coat
You’ve probably seen some of my stuff in places but never knew where it came from, for example, the phase 1 clone troopers that everyone likes to use now were originally made for Don & AJC but were resold without my permission ( ). That being said, I would appreciate it if the stuff I make for you wouldn’t be resold.
Examples of my uniform edits (real simple could've put in some more effort)
Auxiliary+ [+] - Roblox
Auxiliary+ Modern (Damaged) [+] - Roblox
A game I recently made almost completely by myself (credits are listed): Dxun Complex v4 - Roblox
Here are some screenshots of morphs, the two full-bodies are collaborations with my "apprentice" Sin_isters and the scout trooper look-alike is a collab. with VitreusAeulous (some unfinished; excuse the textures on the gun, I was lazy)

People I’ve Worked With
- ISonagodI
- sargentd55
- LordStrakk
- Vedrakkerous
- LeonisValorius
- VitreusAeulous
- Sin_isters
- Bob_Noob
- M0XT
- and a lot more people whos names I forgot…
I do full-time college and have a part time job so I have around 1-3 hours a day per weekday but more on Sunday/Saturday/Friday.
I’m free but I take donations in USD. There’s literally no catch here I just work this as a hobby for free because I get that a lot of start-up clans don’t have the funds to afford good tech even though their ideas are great.
You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Twitter at:
I think that’s it, I’ll update this as I go, thanks for checking me out