[FREE SW-ONLY*] Experienced Modeler/Consultant/Game Director for Clans and War Groups

Note: Can no longer accept any requests until further notice.


For clarification, I only work for free if the assignment is for a Star Wars clan startup or a CnG startup. I will NOT work for free if it’s for a role-play game/something outside of genre. Sorry for the confusion.

About Me

Hi, I’ve been working with models since 2016 but actually making good stuff starting 2017. I lead my own star wars clan (really sucking up my time) and my only experience is really within the star wars and ww2 genres. I don’t make stuff for pay but I only work for groups I like/believe in. What that means:

  • I don’t like money-grab clans that use other peoples’ tech (besides the stuff they paid for) to make a profit
  • I barely stand groups that monetize their games at all
  • I like clans that believe in making the best looking games possible while still being well-optimized enough to host giant rallies/raids
  • I don’t like groups that revolve around a “closed genre-type” system

If I’m being asked to work on a team:

  • I’m a real stickler for perfectionists and don’t like slackers or people with a high sense of apathy for their work.
  • I like being able to joke around and have fun, not be used and thrown away like a dirty rag
  • If it’s for a BIG GAME IDEA then it better be feasible otherwise I will NOT be helping you, as I’ve been cheated out of months of my time for several projects just to have them die off

Why Am I Free?

I’m free because I see all to often that start-up projects/groups with great ideas and communities can’t get off the ground without using free-models or leaked tech because they lack the funds to afford professional development teams.

Things I Can Do

Lighting, Game Directing, Terrain, Morphs, Uniform edits, Consulting/Advising, Guns, Ships, other small models.

I really REALLY would like to stick to smaller stuff rather than ships and full maps because I take a long time to make them (because I’m always changing things to make it more p e r f e c t.

Tools I Use

  • Roblox Studio
  • Quixel Suite 2.0 (Both DDO AND NDO; will be using Mixer 2020 when it releases)
  • Quixel Mixer 2019; and by extension, Quixel Megascans
  • Cinema4D
  • Maya
  • Photoshop
  • PaintdotNET
  • 3D Coat

You’ve probably seen some of my stuff in places but never knew where it came from, for example, the phase 1 clone troopers that everyone likes to use now were originally made for Don & AJC but were resold without my permission ( :frowning: ). That being said, I would appreciate it if the stuff I make for you wouldn’t be resold.


Examples of my uniform edits (real simple could've put in some more effort)

Auxiliary+ [+] - Roblox
Auxiliary+ Modern (Damaged) [+] - Roblox

A game I recently made almost completely by myself (credits are listed): Dxun Complex v4 - Roblox

Here are some screenshots of morphs, the two full-bodies are collaborations with my "apprentice" Sin_isters and the scout trooper look-alike is a collab. with VitreusAeulous (some unfinished; excuse the textures on the gun, I was lazy)

People I’ve Worked With

  • ISonagodI
  • sargentd55
  • LordStrakk
  • Vedrakkerous
  • LeonisValorius
  • VitreusAeulous
  • Sin_isters
  • Bob_Noob
  • M0XT
  • and a lot more people whos names I forgot…


I do full-time college and have a part time job so I have around 1-3 hours a day per weekday but more on Sunday/Saturday/Friday.


I’m free but I take donations in USD. There’s literally no catch here I just work this as a hobby for free because I get that a lot of start-up clans don’t have the funds to afford good tech even though their ideas are great.


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Twitter at:

I think that’s it, I’ll update this as I go, thanks for checking me out


WOW! Love this! May contact you in the future if I need one!


Discord is allowed, I would love to contact you if possible! Please add me Truth#9536

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What does this mean? Does this mean that groups who monetize their games are trash? What if they want there game to be popular and get everyone included like Fort Bragg, Fort Alberta and Fort Martin?

If I spend 90k on my game im going to monetize it to earn something back. It would be a waste of money. This statement dosent make much sense. Most if not all front page games like RP’s, Sims and Tycoons are profit driven. I dont have a profit driven game but im odiously going to monetize to earn back and put it back into the game.

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It means exactly what is written. I don’t like clans that monetize their games. This is restricted to star wars, probably should’ve clarified that but I thought it would be obvious.

p.s. Never called groups that did that ‘trash’, I just said I don’t like working with them because in my experience, most of the time they don’t care about the quality as much as they do making a return on investment.


Can I commission you to make models like grenades, M4A1, (basically weapons and such) etc?


Hello! I really need someone to mkae the beta of my fort. (Alpha is horrible, I’m hoping we launch with beta instead.) Also, I might need you in the future for pay.

S_39 Is extremely talented and overall extremely pleasant to work with - I highly recommend his services to everyone here. :slight_smile:


Got an awesome Star Wars group you may be interested in. Hit me up! jake#8888

Your Star Wars meshes completely blows me away! If I would ever start a Star Wars group in the future, I ask you to help develop my group right away! Again, amazing jobs on the Star Wars meshes!

Would love to have your help with my startup SW group. I added you on discord- AxelDevz#2130.

You’re probably one of the greatest Star Wars builders I have seen on this platform, great job!

Hi! I am trying to make a Ryloth for my group but am worried I’m going to do a horrible job. I can even supply a 100 :robux_gold: because I hear your an amazing builder. Please message me here on Devforum.

I will contact you soon… ok:D

I mean, it’s a good deal only that if you make the games, according to this you cant make money off it, even the slightest bit. I dont see how that’s bad since you need to make somewhat of a profit for your hard work. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. If you spend money on a game, most people are going to monetize it. It wouldn’t be alot but they will try to earn back something.

I’m. Bored.

This is why I am doing it

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That’s the joy in what people like to do. Roblox isn’t just about moneygrab and such it’s about enjoying some quality time with the community. Whether you are a builder or player.

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I would love to hire you! I just sent a friend request!


I would be interested in working with you. Ive got a decent budget and I hope the interests you as your models are great

Please make contact with me on discord if possible, m;#2341

*star wars