Free Terrain Map/Chart PSD/PDN files

Ever needed some sort of chart to make a prop for your game but are too lazy to make it yourself? Well, I have the solution for you!
With these files, you’ll have a map that you can (almost) fully customize! Formats are Photoshop and Paintdotnet. I’d suggest using the PSD (Photoshop) version on Photopea if you don’t own Photoshop rather than using Paintdotnet. Happy mapping!


Map (311.6 KB)

  • DO NOT open any of these files in GIMP

  • If you somewhy want to open the Photoshop file in Paintdotnet, download the free PSDPLUGIN and put the .ddl file inside C:/Programs/

  • Paintdotnet offers only DESTRUCTIBLE files, meaning if you make any error, the only ways of fixing are CTRL+Z/COMMAND+Z or editing the image yourself

  • Photoshop/Photopea offers both DESTRUCTIBLE and NON-DESTRUCTIBLE files, meaning you can modify parameters without messing anything up if you see something you don’t like.

With this kit you’ll be able to make maps like these.


Bit confused about what this could be used for. Could you provide some use cases?

As I showed in the image, you can use this to make charts for your map as props.

As an example of what you can do with it, I’m gonna send this.