I have been wanting to contribute to the community for some time and have just been building for fun when bored. I decided to build a very simple city building that I built in around 15 - 20 minutes. This is my first contribute to the community and it’s a very small one but if this helps people out and getting some attention then I will be happy to make more higher quality contributions towards people getting started building or making a game. I hope this helps people out that are wanting to start RP games instead of having to put in Mano County or Firestone buildings and worry about getting their game taken down. Here is the model link! Enjoy (P.S: Please put my username in the credits since you are using my model k thx.)
Yo there. I do not want to discourage you from making resources as this is one of the greatest things about Roblox, but at the same time I don’t think anyone is going to use this. Here are my problems with it:
There are a total of 917 parts in it, and bear in mind there is no interior to this building.

If you’re going to ask for credit for just one building, you should have the common courtesy to notify users you already put your name in white text on all four sides of the building. Looking into it, it seems you didn’t even make this text as it was actually made with the 3D text plugin.
There are already tons of city buildings in the toolbox. Roblox even has their own town template. Here’s a comparison of one in the toolbox and yours (yours is on the right)
That’s all… consider this as constructive criticism and not an attack and hopefully improve your resources in the future! ^-^
Yeah I know, I just wanted to give something more to choose from maybe and this is my first contribution so of course I don’t want to put to much effort as it is being given for free not to sound lazy. But I get where your coming from and in the future I am looking to give people more unique things and probably take some time to organize inventory. But the part count I cant really fix that much there is only so much I can do and if I release more stuff it will be higher quality and more detail so of course it will have more parts. But thanks for the opinions and I always love to improve my work through the community’s suggestions.