(Free to use) First GFX in a pretty long time!

Hey everyone~ This GFX is free to use(Took about 30 minutes, had to re-learn a ton of stuff), and I’d like some hardcore feedback.Untitled|690x388

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Can you send an image instead of a file? I don’t wanna click on it

Its pretty good, dont forget to add lighting though!


Lighting broke when rendering D:! Also removes the transparency for some reason…

These settings should fix your transparency issues;

Screen Shot 2021-01-27 at 3.11.38 PM

Alright! Thanks a ton, thats gonna help a lot!

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Alright, it is BASICALLY my first ever GFX(or use of blender whatsoever).

It is a good thing to know this is a low rated GFX. However since it’s your first GFX, I suggest you to improve more to make better GFXs.

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Are you using blender 2.9 or the earlier version? Working with the new blender has been a lot easier for me, so you should prioritize learning that if you have not already!

I used to use 2.8, recently moved to 2.9 for this project.

• Work on your lighting! I can tell you’re rendering in Eevee, try using cycles and using different forms of lighting such as HDRI, SkyTextures and emission planes.
• The camera angle is weird - part of his head is cut off. Reference the rule of thirds.
• The posing is stiff. Bend the torso and head. One of his arms is also clipping thru his torso.
• Use a better scene - a plain white background is really basic. Try experimenting with 3d scenes.

Overall quite a mediocre graphic, but it’s a start for a beginner, I guess.

Thank you!

Great advice

Nope! Blender, I’m just really bad.

Eevee is a rendering style of blender. So you have eevee and blender. Even tho I don’t get what’s wrong with rendering in eevee. And you can do all of what he said in eevee too tho

Sorry, I did not know. Thanks for the info!