Not bad, looks good for a beginner.
I just don’t know why you cover your work with those lines, since they can’t be appreciated.
I wish you luck in all aspects, you are talented and I like your style, developer sister.
There is one problem with your images though. Those black lines you put across the screen are easily bypassed.
So is what I did to it but it’s better than plainly giving away your icon.
Instead of using lines like that and destroying the UI, just sign it or put a 30% opacity watermark of your username in the middle of it so people can’t steal it without destroying the UI. TO do a watermark, go into your editing software (I.e. Photoshop) and put a text box over it and set the text opacity to 30% then write your username on it.
Color selector and paint bucket. (oh and selection tool)
There is a little bit of a dent but it’s nothing that can’t be fixed with like 30 seconds more of correction.
@xXHypotheticXx’s suggestion is the best way to thief proof your assets. At least a little bit. It probably isn’t worth it to anyone to remove the watermark. Possible; but not worth it.