FREE Ui designer for hire(CLOSED TEMPORARY)

About Me

Hiya, I just started learning GUI and I wanted to get even better by helping you.




I am available almost all the time. Unless it is night time


I am 100% free. But please donate casue im broke ;C


You can contact me from Celestial_Rylen#2874 Thank you!


Ik its not much work but i am trying to get better

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Not bad, looks good for a beginner.
I just don’t know why you cover your work with those lines, since they can’t be appreciated.
I wish you luck in all aspects, you are talented and I like your style, developer sister.

Because sadly developers steal work a lot :frowning:

thats why you should make ur own watermark that goes across the whole image

Nice icons!

There is one problem with your images though. Those black lines you put across the screen are easily bypassed.
So is what I did to it but it’s better than plainly giving away your icon.

How did you do that big confuse

the power of photoshop and paint

How do I add a watermark? Is there a website for it?

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Instead of using lines like that and destroying the UI, just sign it or put a 30% opacity watermark of your username in the middle of it so people can’t steal it without destroying the UI. TO do a watermark, go into your editing software (I.e. Photoshop) and put a text box over it and set the text opacity to 30% then write your username on it.

Color selector and paint bucket. (oh and selection tool)

There is a little bit of a dent but it’s nothing that can’t be fixed with like 30 seconds more of correction.

@xXHypotheticXx’s suggestion is the best way to thief proof your assets. At least a little bit. It probably isn’t worth it to anyone to remove the watermark. Possible; but not worth it.

sent u a friend req on discord!!

Im gonna be adding more work soon. Cause I got like 20 people wanting UI lol. Within a week I will add actual pricing but for now it will stay free.

mans i got like 200 people wanting ui