Hello, I have been doing UI outside of Roblox for 3 years and now I want to move to do it inside roblox. I want to build a portfolio for UI design so I am taking free requests. I do skeumorphic UIs and not flat design. DM me on discord at Logimite#1015 or on the Devforum.
Do you have screenshots? cause idk what skeuporphic is lol
Search it on google. My style is more of neomorphic/skeumorphic
But no ones going to be that interested if you dont post example screenshots. so please add some thank you!
Just to be clear these aren’t my examples just an example of my style.
oh cant you post examples of your work?
Well, I am going to show work in DMs since I don’t have time to watermark everything. Also this is a free service.
I understand but no ones going to dm you tho cause they cant be bothered to dm you (which will take time to for you to reply) when they can just see it in an instant
Might be interested, though I need to see an example of your UI. Can you DM me?
Yes. I am busy right now but when I am finished DM me.
Could you provide pictures of your work in your portfolio?
I didnt have time to watermark it so I am providing it in DMs
Oh I see. Can you provide them later on?
Just DM me since I only have 2 slots anyway.
He’s offering free work, people who don’t have a big budget will be interested. Stop being picky.
Personally, I’d suggest rather than doing it for free, just try and create a good UI design to the best of your ability and use that in your portfolio. Then, in future you could even possibly sell it. Offering free work is just going to attract entitled people, so just beware.
What do you mean by entitled people?
As in people who will abuse the fact you are trying to create a portfolio and expect you to work for them for free.
Oh yeah. I encountered many of those people when I was doing my GFX designer commissions.